Traditions, Rituals, and Routines
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and everything in-between
How you celebrate and honor your baby is an ever-evolving process. What feels good one day might not feel right the next. Below are some ideas for how to build important rituals and traditions with your baby. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Overtime our traditions have developed, and each parent may find that different activities bring meaning for them.
Ideas - What do you do to honor and stay close to your baby?
Say your baby's name. Daily. Multiple times a day.
Put photos of your baby around your home, your office desk, on your bedside table, on your phone or computer screen
Give your baby's urn/photo or other meaningful items a kiss and hug each morning and/or night
Make your passwords your baby(ies) names
Make your pin your baby(ies) birthday
Read to your baby
Create an altar or place in your house with photos and meaningful items dedicated just to your baby
Get holiday and event-specific items for your baby's altar, urn, or memory area
Take some of your baby's ashes, meaningful items or a photo with you on a trip
Create a garden or plant a tree in their honor
Eat foods that remind you of them on certain holidays or anniversaries
Play music or a song that reminds you of your baby
Light a candle nightly, weekly, monthly, or yearly in honor of your baby
Wear a piece of jewelry or item that has their name or initials
Make a donation in their name to an organization of meaning
Get a tattoo with their name, foot or handprints, or a symbol
Wear a shirt or sweater with your baby's name on it
Create a plaque to visit with your baby's name on it
Celebrate your baby's birthdays with a party, cake, or other activities to recognize their life and impact
Talk to their current and/or future earthside siblings about them - include them in conversation
Give photos of your baby to family members to put up in their houses (even if not asked for) so you can see them when you go over
Create a photo book/album or memorial box of all items that remind you of your baby
Visit your baby's grave site (if applicable)
Write a letter or notes to your baby